Lenny Kravits - Stilness of heart, spartito testo e accordi - MbutoZone.it

Lenny Kravits

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Stilness of heart

Intro: Solm   (ripetere x4)
I'm out here on the street There's no one left to meet 
The things that were so sweet No longer move my feet
              Fa Dom
But I keep trying I keep on trying
Sib            Fa              Dom
All that I want is Stillness of heart
       Mib     Sib
So I can start
            Fa            Dom
To find my way Out of the dark
And into your heart

I got more than I can eat A life that can't be beat
Yet still I feel this heat I'm feeling incomplete
            Fa             Dom
What am I buying? My soul is crying
 Sib        Fa            Dom
All that I want is Stillness of heart
     Mib    Sib
So I can start
             Fa          Dom 
To find my way Out of the dark
And into your heart
Sib            Fa             Dom
All that I want is Stillness of heart
   Mib       Sib
So I can start
           Fa         Dom
To find my way Out of the dark
And into your heart
             Do                            Mib
Where's the love? What is this world we live in?
             Do                            Mib
Where's the love ? We've got to keep on giving
             Do                            Mib
Where's the love ? What happened to forgiving ?
Anyone ?
Solo. Solm

Sib       Fa                 Dom
All that I want is Stillness of heart
      Mib     Sib
So I can start
To find my way
           Dom              Mib
Out of the dark And into your heart
 Sib      Fa             Dom
All that I want is Stillness of heart
    Mib       Sib
So I can start
         Fa          Dom
To find my way Out of the dark
And into your heart (a sfumare)