Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus, spartito testo e accordi -

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Personal Jesus

Fa#-Fa                    Mim
   Reach out and touch faith,
Mim Lam7 Sol
     Mim				Lam7
Your own, personal, Jesus,someone to hear your prayers,
someone who cares,
     Mim				Lam7
Your own, personal, Jesus, someone to hear your prayers,
       Sol Mim
someone who's there,
Feeling unknown, and you're all alone,
Sol                    Re
flesh and bone, by the telephone,
lift up the receiver,
      Do            Mim
I'll make you a believer,
Take second best, put me to the test,
Sol                        Re
things on your chest, you need to confess,
Lam7                  Do           Mim
I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver,

Fa#-Fa                    Mim
   Reach out and touch faith,
Fa#-Fa                      Mim
   Reach out and touch faith,

      Mim				Lam7
Your own, personal, Jesus,someone to hear your prayers,
someone who cares,
     Mim				Lam7
Your own, personal, Jesus, someone to hear your prayers,
       Sol Mim
someone who's there,

Feeling unknown, and you're all alone,
 Sol                   Re
flesh and bone, by the telephone,
lift up the receiver,
     Do          Mim
I'll make you a believer,
Lam7                  Do           Mim
I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver,

Fa#-Fa                    Mim
   Reach out and touch faith,
Your own, personal, Jesus
Fa#-Fa                    Mim
   Reach out and touch faith,
Fa#-Fa                    Mim
   Reach out and touch faith,
Fa#-Fa                    Mim
   Reach out and touch faith,