The Cranberries - Zombie, spartito testo e accordi -

The Cranberries

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Intro Strum  :Mim Do Sol Re
         Mim	          Do               Sol               Mim
e ||---------------|---------------|---------------|--------------|
B ||---------------|---------------|---------------|--------------|
G ||---------------|---------------|---------------|--------------|
D ||-2-------2-2---|-2-2-----2-2---|-------------0-|-2----2---2---|
A ||-------2-------|-----3-3-----3-|---2---2---2---|---2----2-----|
E ||----0--------0-|---------------|-3---3---3-----|-----0------0-|

e ||--9h11--7h9--5h7--3h5p3h5--1-0:----||
B ||-----------------------------------||
G ||-----------------------------------||
D ||-----------------------------------||
A ||-----------------------------------||
E ||-----------------------------------||

Mim              Do
Another head hangs lowly
Sol                   Re
Child is slowly taken
Mim                  Do
And the violence caused such silence
Sol                   Re
Who are we mistaken
Mim             Do
But You see it's not me,
Do                    Sol                        Re
It s not my family In your head,in your Head they are fighting
With their tanks, and their bombs
            Do                      Sol
And their bombs, and their guns In your head,
In your head they are cryin'
Mim                Do
In your head In your head
Sol              Re
Zombie Zombie Zombie e e e
Mim                         Do
What's in your head, in your head
Sol              Re
Zombie Zombie Zombie e e e
  Mim		Do	    Sol          Re
   Du du du du  Du du du du  Du du du du Du du du du

Chords: Mim Do Sol Re -  Riff2
Mim      Do
Another mother's breakin'
Sol                   Re
Heart is taking over
Mim                       Do
When the violence causes silence
Sol              Re
We must be mistaken
Mim                             Do
It's the same old theme since 1916
Sol                                    Re
In your head,In your head they're still fightin'
Mim                                         Do
With their tanks , and their bombs and their bombs and their guns
Sol                                 Re
In your head In Your Head they are dying
Mim                  Do
In your head, in your head
Sol                    Re
Zombie Zombie Zombie e e e
Mim                        Do
What's in your head, in your head
Sol                    Re
Zombie Zombie Zombie eh eh eh
Mim		Do		Sol       Re
    Oh Oh Oh Oh     Oh Oh Oh    Yeah-O-yahahi-hahh
 Mim Do Sol Re - A sfumare